Physical education is crucial to a child’s development, and it can have a number of positive effects. These benefits range from improving social interaction, reducing the risk of obesity, and promoting academic performance. However, there is much more to physical education than that. In fact, it can help students prevent chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. Here are a few reasons why physical education is so important for elementary school students.
Enhances social development
Evidence suggests that physical education is important for children’s overall health and development, including their social and emotional well-being. It should be included as part of the curriculum and should offer additional opportunities for physical activity. Research on effective physical education programs also indicates that the benefits of physical education are long-lasting. Consequently, physical education should be given a high priority in elementary schools. But how can we ensure that the physical education curriculum is effective and that students benefit from it?
Teachers must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to teach children the value of movement. NASPE (National Association of Physical Educators) lists specific standards for beginning physical education teachers. However, if you wish to teach a more advanced course, you must take further training. There are several steps to take to implement an effective physical education program in an elementary school. Below are some suggestions for implementing quality physical education programs.
Improves academic performance
Whether physical education can improve academic performance in elementary school remains an open question. There is a growing body of research confirming that students’ academic performance improves when they participate in physical activities. According to one study, children’s academic performance improved when physical activity was part of the daily curriculum. The researchers conducted an analysis of the results of tests taken in the 2nd grade to determine the effects of PE. The results showed that children’s academic performance improved more than in the control group, despite the differences in the two groups.
In addition to the positive effects of physical education, several recent studies have examined the relationship between students’ fitness levels and their academic performance. Using the QUORUM statement and PRISMA guidelines, the researchers conducted a systematic review of the effects of school-based physical activity on academic performance. Moreover, the authors conducted meta-analyses to assess the impact of physical activity on learning skills, social behavior, and overall academic achievement.
Combats obesity
As the obesity epidemic spreads, a growing number of students are becoming overweight or obese. This epidemic is impacting their learning and health, and preventing it is essential for everyone’s well-being. Kate King, president elect of the National Association of School Nurses and a school nurse at World Language Middle School in Columbus, Ohio, says that school building closures and excessive screen time were likely to blame for the increase in childhood obesity in the first year of the epidemic. Fortunately, it appears that returning kids to traditional in-person learning methods will not solve the obesity problem.
While some studies are skeptical about the benefits of introducing gym classes into elementary schools, recent research shows that such programs help reduce childhood obesity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more time in PE classes reduces obesity risk in elementary school children. A new study by Cornell University suggests that increasing gym class time reduces youth obesity. This study, published in the Journal of Health Economics, is one of the first to show a direct causal link between PE and childhood obesity.
Reduces risk of chronic conditions
A new study shows that physical education in elementary school can help kids get rid of many of the ill effects of childhood obesity and other diseases. Researchers, including Naylor, H. A. McKay, and Michael W. Beets, have identified the benefits of physical education in children. According to these studies, physical activity in children is highly beneficial for children, and their parents and teachers should be encouraged to include physical activity in the daily routine.
Recess is a period of time during the school day when children are free to play in a structured, unstructured setting. The Healthy People 2020 goals include ensuring that every child receives at least 20 minutes of unstructured play every day. However, fewer elementary schools are incorporating recess into their school routines. Nevertheless, research has shown that recess promotes better health and reduces chronic conditions.