Why is Art Education Important in Schools?

The importance of art education in the curriculum is well-established, but the question remains, why is it important for students? Many benefits are linked to art education, including increased motivation, teamwork and social skills. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP), a nonprofit advocacy organization, suggests that students who study the arts may have a better appreciation for the arts than those who do not. The AEP, or Arts Education Partnership, is a national coalition of arts, business, and education organizations.

Increases motivation

The use of arts in the classroom has long been associated with increased intrinsic motivation in students. Research on student motivation in general has demonstrated a direct correlation between art education and students’ feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This study provides further evidence supporting the theory of self-determination, which proposes that the arts can be a powerful teaching tool. To encourage students to make the most of their learning opportunities, teachers should use arts to improve their own self-efficacy.

Improves concentration

An increasing body of research suggests that art education is important for children’s well-being. A study published by the Brookings Institution found that art education led to increased school engagement, greater empathy and more critical thinking. Students also showed increased levels of literacy and compassion. The authors also cited numerous other benefits of art education. However, more research needs to be done to determine the exact effect on schools. Let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits.

Improves teamwork

Recent research has shown that the arts in schools can have positive effects on students, from increasing their creativity and self-confidence to improving teamwork. The benefits of arts education extend beyond the classroom to the community at large. By encouraging collaboration, students learn to respect and appreciate one another, and to listen to others’ opinions. This in turn helps them become better team players in their everyday lives. Art education is also an excellent way to get students thinking outside of the box.

Improves social skills

Research focuses on how art in education helps develop students’ social and emotional skills. Students benefit from deliberate attention to social-emotional skills and can learn about emotional self-regulation. They may also develop confidence in expressing complex ideas. The study concludes that art education contributes to the holistic development of students. It is important for schools to make use of art in education. But what exactly does art education do?

Increases attention to detail

Art education has been primarily concerned with the creative process, but researchers are increasingly recognizing connections between visual arts learning and other areas of development. A 1993 study by the Arts Education Partnership Working Group found that strong art programs increase school attendance, graduation rates, and multicultural understanding. Students who participate in arts education also develop higher order thinking skills, creativity, and problem solving abilities. This research demonstrates that art education improves attention to detail in schools.

Helps students understand cultures

Arts participation and learning about culture are critical for children’s development, because they foster critical thinking skills and allow them to observe the world differently. In today’s world, where we are more diverse than ever, all types of messages and perspectives are reaching and influencing children, so it’s vital to engage students in the arts so that they can reflect on these messages and correlate them to different worldviews. Art and culture programs help students develop a sense of personal identity and develop an appreciation of global issues.

Improves academic achievement

Recent research suggests that the arts help students develop critical thinking skills and build positive relationships with teachers. A recent report by the Americans for the Arts shows that students who take art classes have better math and science scores. These students are more likely to win awards and be involved in the school’s scholastic activities. Art classes also increase students’ overall school satisfaction. This study is a great way to find out more about the benefits of art education in schools.

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